Thursday, March 13, 2008

Scarletts Murder

The world is reading & discussing about the rape & murder of Scarlett Kelling from Britain on the beaches of Goa(India). The main topic of the discussion is about how her rapist or murderer will be punished. The law will take its own course.The main topic of discussions & blogs is how did her mother leave her , a minor girl in the company of a complete stranger & went of on her tour of India.
The girl was only 15, damn it. Thats an age when you can be easily lured. In addition to that it was found that she was high on a cocktail of LSD, ecstacy & cocain on the night she was killed.
Was it right on her mothers part to leave her alone?
was it the usual thing done in the west.
We Indians treat our girls as minors till they are married even though their ages say they are adults. Is this right or was scarlets Mom right. This surely is a topic of debate. I would like my readers to comment on this & hope bring about a positive change in the peoples attitude.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spice up ur blog

5 Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship with Your Blog
Submitted by Liz Strauss on March 27, 2007 - 2:03am in

Okay it happens. You and your blog have been together for a while. You see each other day after day. It's not that you don't care, but . . . um . . . the sex has gone out of your relationship and you both have just accepted that as the way things are.

What? Next thing you know, you'll be cheating on your blog, guest posting and a having a grand time on other blogs while your blog sits at home. Surely this blog relationship can be saved.
5 Things to Spice Up Your Relationship with Your Blog

Ah, remember when you wrote that first post and you hit publish. It was love. You can feel that again. Here are 10 things you can do to put the romance back into your relationship with your blog.

1. Change the header. Changing the header is like getting a blog makeover. You'll feel like a whole new publisher. Go for a radical difference. It will wake you up to new ideas. It will get the attention of new readers.
2. Find 5 ways to clean up things. In fact, clean up all of those things that have been irritating you for some time now. Clean out the closets. Open the windows and let some fresh air go through. Fresh air brings fresh ideas.
3. Do 5 days of beginning blogger behavior. Read only blogs you've never read before. Take time to comment on every one that says something that you find interesting. Go back to your blog, and post on the new ideas that you found.
4. Invite 5 bloggers to guest post. Ask them each to post one a week for five days in a row. Have them post on grand ideas -- ask them questions such as what they want to be when they grow up.
5. Rewrite your first 5 blog posts. i know this sounds silly. But if you go read them, you'll see how much history you and your blog have together, and what a great pair you make. Otherwise, how could you possibly have grown so much, and gotten all of the readers, you have since then?

Besides, after a closer look, isn't your blog just that much nicer than the blog next door?

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